How to ask and when to ask your mom for bra

A girl’s life keeps changing during puberty. There are changes in looks, attitude, behaviour and also hormonal changes.

Breast development begins by the age of 8 years and continues through puberty. Breast development begins with the flat area around the nipple getting enlarged and formation of some tissues under the nipple.

Size of the breasts varies from one girl to another and there is no way to try to make your breasts larger or smaller… For most girls there are mothers and elder sisters to guide them foe a good bra.

But in cases of teenage girls whose mothers are busy or away the girl should not feel shy and talk to her mother about the use of the bra.

When to ask mom for a bra?

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Most girls are conscious about their breasts and wonder about their size and shape.  During the age of puberty the breasts keep growing and there may be some sort of hurting as well.

There are times when the nipples poke out of the dresses or clothes.  They see their friends and classmates using a bra and discussing about it.

Girls need the support to protect their growing breasts.  At times they find exercising difficult.  On facing these problems there is nothing to be ashamed of in asking the mother or elder sister for a bra.

If you feel uncomfortable wearing tops or t-shirts as your nipples are slightly protruding out or of the breasts jiggle, then immediately tell your mom about it. You moms might be definitely noticing the change in your body, but in case if they are away from you, yes, you can talk to them about it.

For girls who are really shy to ask directly to your mother can drop some hints like, this top is way too tight for me or you can wear a small top and show it to her, so that she’ll recognize that you need a bra.

Talk to your mom about it when there is no one else listening to your conversation. Moms were also girls long ago and they will definitely know what you need and when you need.

So do not worry about such things in your life because these changes are meant to occur in every single girl’s life. Start using cami bras or sports bras because you might start wearing it during your schools days you would not want to feel uncomfortable wearing it.

You can even ask your aunts or sisters regarding this matter, if your mom is out of station or busy. If you are staying with your dad, you can ask him take you for girls shopping and once you are done with shopping you can go meet him at the other end.

Always be comfortable in talking to your parents or sibling about this and be happy and comfortable to walk with utmost comfort and style.

How to ask your mom for a bra?

A girl’s life keeps changing according to their age groups. Their behaviors, attitude, their looks, everything can change any time when they have their hormonal changes happening in their body.

Asking for a bra to your mom is nothing to be ashamed of. For a girl who’s getting to their teenage life, their mom or their sisters can be good friends who can share about changes in a girl’s body.

During your puberty stage, you breasts grow and that might be hurting as well. But you should never worry about all these. If you are close to your mom or your sister, you can freely go and talk to them and them all the doubts you have, regarding the changes in your body.

You can directly go and ask any doubts to your mom regarding your menstrual cycle or to ask for a bra. But still there are girls who are ashamed or shy to talk to their mothers about such changes in your body.

There are many ways to approach your mother to talk about things like this. If you are comfortable and close to your mother, the best way is to go directly to her and talk about the issues that you are facing at this age.

Be confident, do not feel embarrassing – you are a girl and you now growing as woman, so be happy and be proud.

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When you do not get proper advice to get a bra and you feel the necessity you must you must find an opportunity to complain to your mother about the inconvenience you are facing like dropping the hint that the shirt is too tight or I feel like wearing a tank top under this particular shirt.

Your mother will surely realize the problem and find the solution by getting a bra.
You can also talk to your mother when she is in a good mood that all your friends are wearing bras and I feel left out.  Have I not grown up to wear one? Can’t we go to the mall today and get a few.

Another way to ask your Mother for a bra is to do some online searching and search a website that sells cheap, but good quality and appropriate bras online.

Talk to your mom about the site –show her the pictures, discuss the pros and cons of different makes and order them online. She will definitely give you the best advice and help you to choose the best one.

Remember, your mom knows what’s best for you. And if you think it’s awkward to talk to her about it, don’t think that way. It’s a lot easier than it seems, trust me.

You can also confront to her that you feel uncomfortable changing clothes for sports and swimming in the school without a bra as there are other girls and most of them are wearing bras.

Your mother will understand your embarrassing situation and will guide you to buy the beginner bras as soon as possible.