Surya Namaskar asanas, postures,poses health benefits

Surya Namaskara – the sun salutation is one of the very ancient yogic traditions of worshipping the rising sun with 12 cyclic postures and specific breathing pattern.

Performing Surya Namaskars instills a sense of well being within the body, soul and mind where this natural regime helps expand and contract every nerve and muscle in our body.

Do not clock on number of sets or postures you have done rather experience every posture you make and move. This yogic ritual gives you 100% benefits when you get to perfect every move and posture right.

It is best if you do Surya Namaskaras on a grass or bare floor. Don’t try on mat.

Posture 1

Yoga poses for glowing skin

Stand straight with your feet together facing towards raising sun. Fold your hands together the one you do it while praying and bring your hands close to your chest and chant ‘Om Surya Devaya Namah’ thrice with your eyes properly closed. Breathe normally.

  • Promotes balance
  • Stimulates respiratory system

Posture 2

With your palms together raise your arms up in the air over your head with biceps touching your ears. Bend over backwards forming an arch from the hands to your feet.  Stretch your abdomen as much as you can, do not over exceed your limits. Inhale and chant “‘Om Surya Devaya Namah” thrice.

  • Promotes digestion
  • Tones spine, arms and shoulders
  • Flexibility in hips and back

Posture 3

Bend forward and place your palms at the sides of your feet while you breathe out and chant “Om Surya Devaya Namaha” thrice. Keep your knees straight and your head as close as possible to the knees.

  • Promotes blood circulation
  • Tones abdominal tract
  • Stretches leg and back muscles
  • Stimulates spinal nerves
  • Eliminates bloating, improves digestion and helps to remove constipation.

Posture 4

Hidden health benefits in yoga

Place your palms on the floor. Lower down your hips. Stretch your left leg back and right leg bent in a crouching stance. Raise your head upwards to face the sky. Allowing your body to balance on your toes while you breathe in and chant “Om Surya Devaya Namaha” thrice.

  • Strengthens hands, wrist, abdomen and thigh muscles
  • Exercises spine
  • Prevents back problems

Posture 5

Bring back your left leg back next to your right leg. Let your hands stay firmly on the ground and knees straight raise your hip high and lower your head to face your navel while your exhale and chant “Om Surya Devaya Namaha” thrice. Your body looks like an inverted “V”.

  • Stimulates blood circulation
  • Strengthens heart
  • Strengthens wrist and arm muscles
  • Relieves neck and shoulder tension
  • Improves brain functions
  • Reduce anxiety and depression

Posture 6

hold your breath lower your knees, toes, chest, and forehead with your palms firmly on ground next to your chest and elbows bent upwards and stretch your whole body near the floor with your face downward and hips slightly raised high.

  • Strengthens leg and arm muscles
  • Increases flexibility in neck and shoulders

Posture 7

How yoga can improve your health care

Lower your waist and raise your upper body and look upwards towards sky while keeping your arms straight. Then inhale and recite “Om Surya Devaya Namaha” thrice.

  • Stimulates circulation to abdominal organs
  • Tones digestive tract
  • Stretches upper and lower body
  • Promotes flexibility in back
  • Stimulates nerves in back
  • Increases lung capacity and relieves asthma

Posture 8

Raise your hips high with feet and palms flat on the floor while your head face your navel. Exhale and chant “Om Surya Devaya Namaha” thrice. Your body looks like an inverted “V”.

Posture 9

Place your palms on the floor. Lower down your hips. Stretch your right leg back and left leg bent in a crouching stance. Raise your head upwards to face the sky. Allowing your body to balance on your toes while you breathe in and chant “Om Surya Devaya Namaha” thrice.

Posture 10

Yoga poses for thyroid

Bend forward and place your palms at the sides of your feet while you breathe out and chant “Om Suyradevaya Namaha” thrice. Keep your knees straight and your head as close as possible to the knees.

Posture 11

With your palms together raise your arms up in the air over your head with biceps touching your ears. Bend over backwards forming an arch from the hands to your feet.  Stretch your abdomen as much as you can, do not over exceed your limits. Inhale and chant “‘Om Surya Devaya Namah” thrice.

Posture 12

Stand straight with your feet together facing towards raising sun. Fold your hands together the one you do it while praying and bring your hands close to your chest and chant ‘Om Surya Devaya Namah’ thrice with your eyes properly closed. Breathe normally.

Health benefits of surya namaskar

All of the key health benefits found in yoga can be provided in a brief package that is Surya Namaskar. It is a holy exercise which provides not only physical health benefits but also mental or emotional along with spiritual benefits.

Surya Namaskar benefit is the workout which is provided for the muscles and also with the improvement of posture, flexibility and balance it is advantageous for joints, ligaments and the skeletal system.

Yoga poses to get rid of gas

Surya Namaskar practice not only benefits physically but also stimulates and conditions all the system of the body virtually. The cardiovascular system is stimulated by it. The heart is strengthened by it and also the blood is oxygenated by it. Even for the digestive and nervous system Surya Namaskar is beneficial. Also the lymphatic system is stimulated by it and health of respiratory system is supported by it too.

The Endocrine system is also benefited by the practice of Surya Namaskar as it helps in the proper functioning of the endocrine glands. These include thyroid, parathyroid and pituitary glands along with the adrenal gland, testes and ovaries.

Surya Namaskar just like other exercises is advantageous mentally for the people who practice it daily. After saluting the sun a wonderful feeling is felt. It removes tension, stress and anxiety and also relaxes and rejuvenates the body.

Stimulants like caffeine can be substituted by Surya Namaskar. Surya Namaskar helps in sleeping without depressants to those who suffer from insomnia or any other disturbances to your sleep.

Daily practice of Surya Namaskar helps in relieving depression and management of stress. Moving through the two sets of poses you will be consuming a huge amount of energy. You will learn to concentrate practicing Surya Namaskar and also it is extremely gratifying to learn the poses.


Before doing surya namaskar warm up your body

Yoga poses for flat tummy

Before starting to do Surya Namaskar it will be a great idea to do some Sukshma Vyayama that is some gentle warm-up. This will help in the removal of restlessness from your body and will prepare you for Surya Namaskar.

East or west?

If Sun Salutation is done in the morning then does it facing the East direction and if in the evening then does it facing the West direction.

Add the attitude of gratitude

You will be able to enjoy doing your stretches more. A little smile will give you more energy.

Gracefully do your surya namaskars

If your goal is to achieve a higher target of Surya Namaskar rounds then do not do the poses with a jerk or force but do it gracefully even when you cannot pick up pace. Let the postures flow gently and gracefully from one to the other.

Keep a smile on your face

That smile will help you enjoy doing the stretches and will give you more energy.

Breathing should be natural

While doing the practice of Sun Salutation do not forcefully breathe but do it normally (not in Ujjayi). Slowly and gently breathe without any effort with being aware of every breath you inhale and exhale. Try to keep the harmony between your body movement and your breath.