
DIY hair spa at home

The Hair Spa brings the hair back to its prime health and nourishment, reversing damage and improving its overall aspect. It is frequently done by women before big events when they want their hair to look and feel perfect. You will agree, however, that when top-notch beauty websites such as this one, disposes of valuable…

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4 Tips for Beauty Consultant Startups

If there is one industry that will probably never die, it would be beauty. In fact, sometimes when the economy is at its lowest and the average woman is on the strictest of budgets, this is the time when they need a quick ‘pick me up.’ Once upon a time it was a new hat,…

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Top 10 causes for delayed periods

A woman´s period or menstrual cycle normally takes place every 21 to 35 days and will last anywhere from 2 to 7 days. Some of us, however, will experience at some point in our lives a delay in our period. While it can be worrisome for those practicing sexual intercourse, it is important to know…

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