College fests happen to be those delightful events when we can dress the way we like. They are one of the best ways to make an impression on your batch mates and seniors. If you are new to college and you are looking for some lovely hairstyles to try with your attire, you have stopped at the right place. In this article, we will go through some lovely hair ideas which you can try for your college fest.
College days are that span of our education when we can dress up a little more creatively that what we could do earlier. Scroll down the article to discover some hairstyles types to suit what you are going to wear and also of course your face shape.
Messy and twisted fish tail braid hairstyles
You might already know that fish tail braids have to be done with four sections instead of three. If you haven’t tried it before, you should check out some tutorials. This stylish hairstyle will be quite a unique pick for a fest. You are sure to not have the same thing in common with anybody else at the event! Part your hair from one side and bring all the sections down the shoulder of the heavier side. Use your natural hair texture and don’t go for additional styling. Twist the hair once and then continue with the fish tail braid half-down.
Easy middle parted ponytail hairstyle
Although this hairstyle is not very uncommon, but this might look quirky with a contrasting outfit! All you need to do is choose an attire which will not suit this hairstyle, to bring it the perfect look of the clothing. Part your hair from the middle after you have had it nicely straightened. Tie a ponytail at the nape of your neck and let the hair flow down. The longer your strands are, the better it will look. If you have your strands highlighted, you will rock the style a little more!
Quick back-brushed bun hairstyle
When you have a gorgeous outfit, you might just want to keep your hair off it! The best way to grab attention, to your hair and dress at one glance, is to make the perfect bun. You simply cannot miss out on the long earrings which make the style enhanced. Have your hair nicely washed and blow dried. Use a brush to back-brush the hair and then tie a regular bun. You can also make two some puffs on two sides by having the hair parted and clipped from the middle. Make regular hairstyles when you have extraordinary clothes to contrast.
Best unique curled hairstyle
Maybe you have a curly hair naturally or you want to have it styled for this occasion, but suiting the style with fest type clothes are surely going to make you look bad-ass! If you think you can and you want to carry a bad-ass attitude and impress people with confidence and style, you can surely try this. Have your hair curled from root to tip and it separate vertical sections. If you fest is a lot about rock music, you can surely give this a try. Back-brush the hair from the middle, and pin up around the mid-scalp zone, if it feels unmanageable.
Half up waves and half down curls hairstyle
This is an easy hairstyle which you can try with any sort of fest type clothing. If you don’t want much hassle with your hairstyle, you can try out something as easy and elegant as this. Part your hair from the middle and according to the length, and then divide how you’d like to have it styled. Let the hair stay wavy or straight half up and then curl up half down to the tips. The curls should not look absolutely curly, so the sections between styling should be broad. Flaunt the curls in front and from both the sides of your shoulders.
Middle parted wavy hair with ponytail hairstyle
Ponytails can be such a nice revival to try for fests. They bring in the back-to-school look and contrast sexy outfits which you’d probably wear. Yes, you surely didn’t let your hair bangs come out on your school hair days, so that is definitely a switch-over from that! If you feel that you can try a messy and wavy hairstyle with your attire, then you can definitely go for it! Have your hair nicely waved up with a curling iron but make sure it doesn’t curl up too much. Part the hair from the middle and then tie a ponytail.
Side-swept wavy hairstyle
This is another style which would make your hair look elegant. You just have to make sure that your hair is wavy but not messy. Have your hair nicely washed and blow-dried. Run through an Instyler half down, so that you get the wave. Part the hair from one side and then takes all the lengthy strands down the heavier side of the sectioning. This hairstyle will perfectly suit the subtle look and you can try it with medium to long hair.
Top knot high bun hairstyle for college fest
If top knot has become your favorite college hair type, you wouldn’t want to leave it for this day. If it hasn’t yet been used, you could give it go! Either way, you would just love a top knot to be done because it is so much more easy to carry and you much more left to style yourself with. From being manageable to letting people concentrate more on the accessories, top knot does all the tricks every time to make women love it all the more. Make a top knot, which is almost like a bun, but it in done on the crown and not by the nape of your neck. This is perfect for summertime fests and fests which happen during the day!
Side-parted straight hairstyle for college party
This is another hairstyle which you can try, especially if you don’t have straight hair naturally. Girls from wavy to curly hair revamp their look when they have it absolutely straightened! To follow this easy hairstyle, you have to use a flat iron to have the strands nicely straightened. After you have done so, part the hair from one side with a comb and then take the heavier section and place it behind the ear. This way you don’t have strands falling in front from that side, while the thinner section can be left open.
Back-brushed styles to college 
If you know that there is a lot about dancing and partying in a fest, you might like to choose hairstyles which stay manageable throughout your activities. Choosing styles which look stylish at the back and doesn’t disrupt your hair in front would be a nice idea. Have your hair nicely straightened to follow one of the examples we have added below. You will have to take our tiny sections of hair by equally the hair in two halves mentally, and then criss-cross the hair and use pins to fasten them. There are numerous styles which you can do by back-brushing you hair and they are all truly effective for these occasions!
Side braided ponytail for college fest
This beautiful hairstyle can be an ideal pick for college fest. Here the braiding has been done from the side of the head till the back where the braid has been rolled to make the horse tail. This hairstyle gives a soft romantic look, which is ideal for occasions like college fest. So, pair it up with a stylish dress and you are ready to turn the heads.
Double braided romantic hairstyle idea for college fest
Check out this easy romantic hairstyle idea which looks so classy and can be perfect for college fest. Here the braids have been done from the sides of the head till the back but it is not the braids that make this hairstyle really gorgeous, it is the weaving of the two braids in a shoe lace fashion with the pink satin ribbon that gives it the right romantic look. You should make sure that the color of the ribbon matches with your fest dress.
Back fishbone plaiting with light up do
To get this fairy like hairstyle on your fest night do the fishbone plaits from the sides and pin them at the back without overlapping the braids. While pinning the braids make sure to create the crown puff which will complete the look. Let the volume of the hairs flow lose from over your back and shoulders.
Rolled up side ponytail for fest
This is another easy hairstyle that can give you a soft look, which is ideal to match with your fest special dresses. Here the hairs have been parted at extreme side and then the main bunch of hairs from the front has been rolled up till the back of the head, where the bunch end has been wrapped around the volume of the hairs to create the horse tail.
Crown braided open hairstyle
Crown braided hairstyles are classic and they look so gorgeous on any one. Brown braided open hairstyles are perfectly suitable for girls in their teens and twenties and hence if you are looking out for the right hairstyle for your college fest, this crown braided open hairstyle can always be a good option. Here the braiding has been done on a slightly side position and the volume of the hairs have been left loose to complete the look.
An easy romantic open hairstyle for college fest
Looking out for a no-fuss hairstyle without compromising with your looks, get this one and you are sure to nail it. However, do not miss to get the right clip to complete the look. Comb the hairs at the front and collect them loosely at the back. Pass the hairs through the hair clip, pin it and let the volume of the hairs hang loose on your back. Some highlights on your hairs will make it look even more gorgeous.
Messy braid for college fest
Get this messy braid hairstyle and look effortlessly beautiful on your college fest. Here the locks at the front have been combed and left lose. The hairs at the back have been used to do the braid and then the braid has been brought to the front from over one shoulder.
Front puffed open hairstyle for fest
You can add some more drama to your college fest look with this hairstyle. Here the hairs have been back brushed and then the front puff has been created by pinning the hairs on the crown. The volume of the hairs have been left loose and taken to the front from over one shoulder. Get this hairstyle to dazzle in your college fest.
Stylish half open hairstyle for college girls
This sleek and beautiful hairstyle can easily add to the overall look of any girl. Here the hairs from both the sides have been collected in separate bunches and then the decoration have been made by twisting the four bunches in a unique design. The ends of the hair bunches have been tied with a band at the back of the head and the volume of the hairs have been neatly kept open on the back.
Horsetail with puff hairstyle for fest
This simple horse tail with puff looks stylish and sleek. To get this hairstyle comb the hairs from the front and sides to the back and do the horsetail with a band leaving a thick section of hairs lose at the back. Now once you are done with the horsetail, wrap the lose bunch of hairs around the base of the horsetail to complete the look.
Stylish double fishbone plait
When it is your college fest you must be ready to cover even the extra mile to get that perfect hairstyle and here is one that might take you some time to complete but is sure to give you the look you need on this special occasion. Here two separate fishbone plaits have been made from the two sides of the head and they have been tied together at the back of the head with a band. The main volume of the hair has been left open.
Side chignon bun for college fest
Chignon buns are easy to do and they look just perfect with any dress. You can easily get a stylish side chignon bun like the model in this image to look your best on the college fest. Part your hairs at the side, and sweep one side from over the forehead to make a horsetail right at the back of your ear. Now, roll the hairs through the base twice to make the chignon bun and tuck with bobby pins.
French bun for fest
French buns are known for their stylish and smart look. You can easily get a neat French bun on your fest day if that suits with your facial features and dress. French bun is a classic hairstyle that never goes out of fashion and hence you can always get them to turn the heads around without looking over the top.
Waterfall braid with curls for college fest
Check out this beautiful waterfall braid hairstyle that can look just perfect for a college fest. Here the hairs have been braided nicely in the waterfall pattern and then the length of the hairs has been curled in sections to complete the look. The use of the perfect highlights and low lights on the hairs has given this hairstyle a completely different touch.